Hoshin Kanri Action Plan Excel Template + How-To Guide

This Hoshin Kanri Action Plan Excel template will assist you in creating an action plan which will outline the steps that need to be taken in order to achieve a specific goal.

Action Plans are a staple of project management, but in the context of the Hoshin Kanri catchball process it takes on heightened importance. In fact, building an Action Plan is as important as its final content as shown in the X-Matrix and Bowling Chart.

The Action Plan is typically no more than an A3 page, and follows a four step process:

  1. Defining your team
  2. Planning key activities
  3. Agreeing measurements
  4. Estimating costs

Use this template and the supporting guide to create the Action plan to turn your strategy into operational reality!

Download today to learn:

  • What an Action Plan is
  • The four step process to completion
  • The five questions to ask as you create your plan

Click here to download your free template and how-to guide.